5 Best Ways To Make Online Examinations Secure | Parakh Online Pvt. Ltd.
In recent times, online examinations are getting in demand.
Various examinations have quitted conventional strategy for pen and paper and embraced advanced techniques for online examinations. But exam organisers need to maintain the integrity of the exams and make the exams secure.
So, here we have written five tips on the best ways to make online examinations secure.
1. Secure Browser
Secure Browser prevents candidates from opening the different windows during the examination.
The candidate does not have access to keyboard shortcuts and screen capture.
It is possible to own a customized app pre-installed on the machine. The candidate will appear for the exam from the same app. This customized app will prevent Screen Capturing, Screen Recording, and Remote Login features. It helps to secure your Online Examination Process.
Parakh Online Pvt. Ltd. provides a secure browser technology to conduct online examinations securely.
2. Encryption of Data
The system encrypts question papers and exam related data for security purposes. Even if anyone hacks exam data it would not be possible for hackers to alter or misuse the data.
Data Encryption also helps to avoid result alteration without valid credentials. It is a very important feature to make sure the security of the examination.
The system uses high-level encryption algorithms for encoding the data. So decoding is not easy for unauthorized people.
Encryption of data ensures the exam data is confidential between server and client.
The whole communication between server and examination client is also encrypted. And only authorized people will be able to decode the encrypted data.
It increases the security of the exam data.
3. Audit logging
One more key aspect will be audit logging to secure the online examination process.
- Candidate perspective
- Audit candidate login, candidate logout, question navigation, time for solving a particular question, etc,
- Exam admin perspective
- Audit login,/logout, IP address, Exam schedule, Result access, Question Bank access, etc.
Log all these key events in the system. So that it will be easy to detect if there is any kind of fraud happening during the online examination process.
4. Remote Proctoring
The remote proctoring process automates invigilation in online examination processes. This technique will help you track the entire activity of the candidate for the examination.
Image Proctoring: Web Camera attached to the system will capture photographs of candidates. The system captures photos in 15 seconds or 30 seconds.
Video or Live Proctoring: Voice Proctoring: Proctor can also listen to the voice of the candidate. And track candidate’s activities by voice while attempting exams.
The proctor can keep an eye on students through the above remote proctoring techniques. This technique also helps to save a lot of logistical costs.
5. IP based Authorization
For a secure online examination and process, we can set up an allowed IP address list.
Candidates can access the system from a valid IP address only. The system will not accept anyone accessing from outside networks or different IPs.
It ensures complete safety for the examination.
Secure Online Examination is a need of an hour. We help you to manage the examination process with the highest security.
Parakh Online Pvt. Ltd provides its clients with all the above-mentioned features. Our main aim is to gain the trust of the clients by fulfilling all their needs.
We at Parakh Online Pvt. Ltd believes in complete customer satisfaction.
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