How to choose the right Online Assessment Platform? | Parakh Online Pvt. Ltd.

Arnab Ghosh
3 min readDec 28, 2020


Assessment Platform? | Parakh Online Pvt. Ltd.

Creating, conducting, and evaluating assessments are enormous tasks for the education institutes. It involves a lot of resources, logistics, time, and money to conduct an examination. Still, offline assessments lack security and accuracy.

In the offline examination, teachers have to create question papers, distribute them, collect the answers, and evaluate them manually. All these processes can become hectic and full of errors.

With the advancement of technology, however, technology can help institutes conduct assessments efficiently, securely, and without any errors.

But with the abundance of online assessment platforms in the market, choosing a good one that fulfills your requirements can be a tough job. These platforms are expensive, and you can not afford to invest in the wrong assessment platform.

When choosing a perfect assessment platform, you need to keep a couple of things in mind.

In this blog, we have written how you can choose the right assessment platform for you.

  • Your Assessment Platform Should Be Scalable

The best advantage of an online platform is scalability. If you want to invest in an expensive platform, you want it to generate more money for you. And with scalability, exam platforms can deliver 100s is often overlooked by the decision-makers when selecting an online assessment platform.

  • The Platform Should Be Easy To Use

You may buy an online assessment platform that has tons of features. But if the users such as teachers, invigilators, or candidates can not use the platform correctly, then there is no point in using an online assessment platform.

Instead, always find the platform that is easy to use by test creators and test-takers and pack some useful advanced functionalities. It ensures that your online assessment platform can fulfill all of your needs without being complicated. Candidates can focus on taking the examination rather than learning to navigate the platform.

  • The Assessment Platform Should Have Automated Analytics & Reporting

Taking exams is not enough. Exam conductors also struggle with evaluating the exam papers.

So, your online assessment software must come with the technology to automatically evaluate the candidate’s papers and create detailed analytics reports for test-takers and administrators.

These generated reports will be error-free and give a holistic view of the candidate’s performance.

  • Easy Question Creation Capabilities

Your online assessment software should have the ability to create and manage any question papers easily. The questions may vary from MCQ, subjective, objective, fill in the blanks, essay types, etc.

The software also must have the capability to pre-provide question banks, which can be stored in the cloud. For example, Parakh’s question bank management system allows teachers to click and upload questions directly to the question bank with a mobile phone.

Apart from that, the online assessment software must have easy test sharing capability where students can log in from their own devices from a single link and log in from their unique ID and password to take the exam.

  • Must have Remote Proctoring Feature Integrated

In the online examination, invigilators can’t proctor the exams in person.

That’s why your assessment system must come with a remote proctoring feature to ensure the exams’ integrity. Remote proctoring features proctor the candidates automatically with a webcam, microphone and make sure candidates are not cheating during the exams.

  • Online Assessment Software Must Have a Strong Support Team

Not just online assessment software, any SaaS software is prone to technical problems.

When using some features or integrating other software tools, you might need technical assistance from the support teams. That’s why you need to make sure that the online assessment software you are buying has a great and responsive support team behind it.

You need to ask yourself these questions.

  • Will the support team be available all the time?
  • Are there how-to guides and documentation readily available for the software?

Finding an assessment software that will meet your needs is one thing, and making sure that you can utilize it with its full potential is another.

Wrapping Up

Selecting an online assessment tool can be hectic, but worth spending time on. Hopefully, our blog will guide you through the process of choosing an online assessment tool.

Parakh Online Pvt Ltd. also has advanced online assessment tools developed with all the points mentioned above in mind. You can check them out by going to

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Arnab Ghosh

Content Marketer at Parakh Online Pvt. Ltd.