Top 3 Ways AI can Help to Conduct Large Scale Assessments | Parakh Online Pvt. Ltd.

Arnab Ghosh
4 min readDec 21, 2020


AI | Parakh Online Pvt. Ltd.

What comes to your mind when we talk about examinations?

A bunch of students writing answers on their papers and an invigilator is sitting on the desk, making sure nobody is cheating, right!

In the current education system, an examination is a vital part.

Without examination, it is nearly impossible to assess a student. On average, a student gives as many as 12 exams per semester. That is a lot if you can see the massive logistics behind each examination.

From setting up question papers to managing answer sheets, sending those answer sheets for evaluation in a secure manner, collecting these, and finally publishing the result, you can see the amount of work, money, and resources required to pull off these mega-events.

In India, there are 37.8 million students who are enrolled in higher education. And to organize exams for millions of students at a time is a daunting task. Due to this, almost every year, you see news of exam mismanagement, malpractice, and question paper leaks.

Apart from that, universities also face problems in paper checking. Checking thousands of papers is not an easy task. Also, manual paper checking is prone to human errors.

In the year 2017, Mumbai University’s results were delayed by five months, and it created a lot of anxiety and tension among the students.

How can we Conduct exams more easily?

We live in the supreme era of technology. It has made our lives easier. Not only lives but technology also made its way into the education and assessment industry with the help of online education and exams. Online exams have gained quite popularity in recent years, especially after the COVID 19.

One of the benefits of online exams is that it comes with many tools, encryption systems that keep the integrity of the examination intact. Wherein traditional offline exams are prone to human error.

With the increasing number of students and different types of competitive examinations, conducting exams has been a hectic process. But with the online assessment, the exam conducting process can be simplified drastically.

Exam conductors can conduct exams at different locations at the same time, all the question papers and answers can be shared online securely, and there will be no need for printing question papers.

The question paper setting process can be simplified, as well.

Test takers can upload the questions papers easily and save them on the cloud storage. The test engine can automatically design a multiple set of question papers based on requirements and send the questions to the exam venues for taking examinations.

The online examination also makes the evaluation of answer sheets swift and easy. For subjective exams, teachers can check the answers online from the comfort of their homes quickly.

How is Artificial Intelligence helping Online Assessment?

AI and machine learning are not science fiction anymore. It has seamlessly transitioned to our daily life. You may not realize it, but you are using AI everywhere. A study shows that 77% of people consume AI, but only 33% realize it.

With the government’s support in India, Artificial Intelligence is getting more accessible, and it also made its way to the assessment industry.

If you are looking to know how AI can help in the examination and assessments Industry, here we have written a list of ways AI can help in online assessments.

1.Improve Grading in Online Assessment

While education and teaching processes have improved drastically with technology, assessments have not changed enough to conduct large-scale examinations.

That is mostly because of the constraints of answer sheet checking. Institutes can take the exams online, but the teachers still had to check the answer sheets to assess them manually.

But with the help of AI-based grading systems, institutes can now check answers automatically and grade the students based on the assessment, almost instantaneously.

Also, these AI-based tools can automatically assess the cognitive abilities of students.

2. Reduce Human Error

With human exam paper checkers, it is easy to assess subjective answers, but it also has a massive drawback.

With many answer sheets to check, the teachers’ assessment process may not be uniform from start to finish. Also, humans are prone to making mistakes.

Imagine if a candidate is giving an entrance where a difference in one mark can be very critical, then these human errors can damage the students’ careers.

Here AI comes into the picture. AI can eliminate all these errors and make the grading process more reliable and secure.

3. Minimize Malpractices

In conducting high-profile competitive exams, exam bodies face many problems like impersonation, hacking, use of concealed cameras, use of other devices, or books to find answers.

But AI can help exam organizers reduce fraud by verifying students’ identities with the help of AI. Plagiarism detectors can identify the copying of data, and with the remote proctoring using CCTV cameras, exam organizers can monitor if the candidates are cheating.

Also, advanced technology can identify keyboard signatures to validate candidate identity.

AI also can help exam organizers set up question papers and randomly assign question papers to students. This way, AI can completely eradicate the possibility of malpractice in the exam center.


Embracing AI can help institutes, corporate, and government bodies to conduct large scale assessment securely. It gives several advantages to the exam conducting bodies, such as scalability, ease of use, instant result with high accuracy, leading to refined and hassle-free exam conductions for the test takers and testing agencies.

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Arnab Ghosh

Content Marketer at Parakh Online Pvt. Ltd.